Univerzitet u Beogradu
Univerzitet u Beogradu je najstariji i najveći univerzitet u Srbiji i okolnim zemljama. Univerzitet u Beogradu je državni univerzitet u čijem su sastavu 31 fakultet i 11 naučnih instituta. Više od 100.000 studenata studira na Univerzitetu u Beogradu. Delatnosti kojima se bavi, visoko obrazovanje i naučno-istraživački rad, su delatnosti od javnog interesa i odvijaju se u okvirima utvrđenim odgovarajućim zakonskim propisima. Tokom dva veka postojanja Univerzitet u Beogradu služi svom narodu, a bivši studenti i profesori značajno utiču na razvoj kulture, nauke, obrazovanja, politike i ekonomije u Srbiji. Univerzitet u Beogradu je spreman da zadrži i unapredi svoju poziciju vodeće visokoškolske ustanove u regionu, adaptirajući se izazovima novog vremena ali istovremeno i čuvajući ono vredno u svojoj tradiciji, zbog čega je i prepoznatljiv kao pravi nacionalni brend. Misija Univerziteta u Beogradu je da obezbedi superiorno znanje i obrazovanje svojim studentima, ne samo u smislu intelektualnog rasta i razvoja, već i u smislu rasta i razvoja njihovih humanih i etičkih kvaliteta, kao i da ih inspiriše da budu lideri, da poštuju i prihvataju razlike među ljudima i da budu posvećeni razvoju znanja i humanih vrednosti, kako bi doprineli razvoju blagostanja celokupnog društva.
Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja Univerziteta u Beogradu je naučno-obrazovna institucija, koja u kontinuitetu, od 1946. godine, obrazuje visokoškolske kadrove za fizičko vaspitanje u školama, sport i rekreaciju. Koreni Fakulteta sežu od 1938. godine kada je formirana prva jednogodišnja škola za obrazovanje kadrova iz naše struke.
Polazeći od činjenice da je visoko obrazovanje osnov razvoja i ekonomskog napretka društva, zasnovanog na znanju, unapređenju ljudskih prava i osnovnih sloboda, misija Fakulteta je da omogući najviše akademske standarde i obezbedi sticanje znanja i veština u skladu sa potrebama društva i projektovanim nacionalnim razvojem.
Polazeći od osnova utvrđenih misijom Fakulteta je trajno opredeljen da teži unapređenju kvaliteta visokog obrazovanja i uključivanja u jedinstven Evropski prostor visokog obrazovanja.
Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja Univerziteta u Beogradu sebe u budućnosti vidi kao aktivnog i međunarodno priznatog činioca u promovisanju postojećeg i stvaranju novih znanja iz oblasti fizičkog vaspitanja, sporta i srodnih naučnih disciplina u okviru visokoškolskog obrazovanja na svim nivoima, utemeljenog na ishodima učenja i principima obrazovanja tokom čitavog života.
U ostvarenju tog cilja Fakultet će sarađivati sa drugim fakultetima u okviru Univerziteta u Beogradu i međunarodnim visokoškolskim ustanovama, posebno u podsticanju napredovanja zaposlenih i studenata, poboljšanju njihove stručnosti i kreativnosti. To se u najvećoj meri odnosi na uključivanje u evropski istraživački i viskokoobrazovni prostor kroz programe međunarodne saradnje i mobilnosti studenata, istraživača i nastavnika. Planira se i saradnja sa javnim ustanovama, institutima i savezima.
Osnovni zadatak i misija Fakulteta su aktivnosti na realizovanju društvenih potreba za kvalitetno školovanim stručnjacima i naučnim radnicima, koji svoju delatnost vrše u tri velika sistema: obrazovanju, rekreaciji i sportu, kao i zadovoljenje svih potreba društva za specijalizovano obrazovanim stručnjacima u ovoj oblasti. Fakultet organizuje studije na svim nivoima akademskih studija fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta i strukovnih studija sporta i rekracije.
Zadatak Fakulteta je obezbeđivanje uslova za naučno-istraživačku i nastavnu delatnost, prenošenje naučnih i stručnih znanja i veština i saradnja koja omogućava nastavnicima, saradnicima i studentima uključivanje u naučna istraživanja i rad u praksi.
Cilj Fakulteta je formiranje, kompetentnog i samostalnog stručnjaka i naučnog radnika, u skladu sa savremenim trendovima obrazovanja u svetu, vodeći računa da se savremeno obrazovanje bazira na konkretnim, ostvarljivim i merljivim procesima.
Kvalitet obrazovnih procesa i naučno-istraživačkog rada je primarni interes i deo poslovne politike Fakulteta sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja Univerziteta u Beogradu. Nastavni procesi na svim studijskim programima, naučno-istraživački rad i poslovanje Fakulteta moraju imati zadovoljavajući nivo i biti prepoznatljivi i cenjeni od strane studenata, poslodavaca i zaposlenih.
Više informacija možete naći na sajtovima Univerziteta i Fakulteta:
The professional team of Athlitiki Enosi Lemesou (AEL) was formed in 1930 and started its course with football. After a couple of years AEL formed basketball and volleyball teams for men and women. The Academy of AEL was officially formed in 1940 and is an official member of Cyprus Football Federation. In 2008 the division of football (with the Academy as well), the AEL Football Club (FC) was registered as a company, AEL PODOSFAIRO DIMOSIA LTD. The company is led by a board of 9 members and chaired by Andreas Sofocleous. The rest of the sports remained under AEL Sports Club.
In 2015 the Academy of AEL has started its cooperation with a private school, PASCAL, and its Athletic Department. The members of the Academy, from the age of 13, have the possibility to register in the Athletic Department with reduction on fees or under the full sponsorship of AEL Academy –in case of talented underprivileged players with limited opportunities- and to follow for 6 years the courses for free, until the completion of their studies.
Since the formation of the Academy of AEL, it has fed the labour market of professional football with many home-grown professional footballers that played in the National Team, first division teams in Cyprus and abroad. The Academy of AEL is also in cooperation with PASP (Pancyprian Footballers Association), which aids young members of the Academy to follow their studies, through scholarships and sponsorships.
The young players are following a training and education programme which includes everyday training with different techniques and tactics on football. They are also following a tailored nutrition programme from the sports nutritionist and have weekly sessions with the sports psychologist and occupational therapist. In parallel, they follow seminars on opponent tactical analysis and technical implementation. Their performance and personal records are also being analysed and discussed with them regularly from the UEFA qualified coaching staff of the Academy.
In addition to these, and in parallel to their training and education, the Academy of AEL is participating in several fundraising and charitable activities, such as tree planting, blood donation, raising money for underprivileged, which not only has a direct impact to society, but it also forms the character of the members of the Academy from an early age and promotes active citizenship. Through competitive sports and charitable activities, they are better prepared to enter the labour market and adulthood. These activities enhance their discipline, personal development, self-confidence, sense of responsibility and fair play. Football and charitable activities convey values of team spirit and teach young people how to deal with victory, defeat, rules and problem solving. The Academy of AEL has been trying to address these issues through sports-psychology sessions and regular lectures.
An indicative list of achievements of the AEL can be found below:
Cypriot First Division
• Champions (6): 1940–41, 1952–53, 1954–55, 1955–56, 1967–68, 2011–12
• Runners-up (2): 1947–48, 2013–14
Cypriot Second Division
• Champions (1): 1996–97
Cypriot Cup
• Champions (6): 1938–39, 1939–40, 1947–48, 1984–85, 1986–87, 1988–89
• Runners-up (11): 1937–38, 1940–41, 1958–59, 1978–79, 1987–88, 2002–03, 2003–04, 2008–09, 2011–12, 2012–13, 2014–15
Cypriot Super Cup
• Champions (4): 1953, 1968, 1985, 2015
Cyprus K.A. Severi Cup
• Champions (3): 1953, 1955, 1956
Academy of AEL
• Under 21 (U21) won 12 Championships (1940, 1951, 1960, 1973, 1978, 1983, 1984, 1989, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2008) and 1 Cup (1997).
• Under 17 (U17) won 5 Championships (2004, 2005, 2007, 2011, 2012).
• Under 15 (U15) won 2 Championships (2005, 2009) and 2 Cups (1997, 2009).
• Under 13 (U13) won 2 Championships (2006, 2008) and 1 Cup (2009).
The Academy of AEL caters for football development, while also providing the opportunity to its member to gain further educational qualifications and follow studies with the assistance of PASP’s scholarships and sponsorships. Each day the Academy incorporates intensive football training, with different techniques and tactics on football. The Academy is also providing its members with a well-rounded programme, which aims at teaching them all aspects of the game and lifestyle of a professional football player. The members of the Academy are also following a tailored nutrition programme from the sports nutritionist and have weekly sessions with the sports psychologist and occupational therapist. The Academy concentrates on developing the members technical and tactical ability and awareness, physical capabilities and strength, boost their psychology and self-esteem and help them to cope with the pressure of football. Their performance and personal records are also being analysed and discussed with them regularly from the UEFA qualified coaching staff of the Academy. They are also following sessions on personal development, sports psychology, fair play and discipline, which teaches them how to deal with victory, defeat, rules and problem solving. They are also involved in several fundraising and charitable activities, which enhance their soft-skills, increase self-esteem and self-awareness and form their character from an early age.
Many former members of the Academy have progressed into the first division of professional football in Cyprus, Greece and Europe, while following their studies in parallel which helped them to find employment in the sports industry when their football career came to an end.
AEL staff members work continuously towards improving players’ performance and are highly skilled in their field of expertise. They are all fully qualified in coaching football, child protection, emergency first and are holders of Bachelors’ Degrees and UEFA badges. They also have work experience with footballers in several football clubs in Cyprus and abroad.